Hobbies To Try In 2024

Sewing Kenmore

If you’ve been here for a while, you know how passionate I am about maintaining a healthy work-life balance. One of the best ways to achieve that balance is by cultivating a life outside of work—by having hobbies that you genuinely look forward to.

There’s something incredibly liberating about engaging in an activity without the pressure of being evaluated, graded, or judged. It’s not just nice—it’s essential. Hobbies offer us a much-needed break from the demands of our professional lives, providing a space where we can simply enjoy the process without worrying about whether we’re doing it “right” or “wrong.”

It’s important to keep our hobbies just that—hobbies. Not every passion needs to be monetized. When we turn a hobby into a side hustle, it often loses the joy and excitement that drew us to it in the first place.

So, if you’re wondering where to start, I’m happy to share some of the hobbies that bring me joy and help me maintain that all-important balance:

I’ve been in love with reading since the 7th grade, and I vividly remember the book that started it all: Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. I still have that book on my shelf—worn and cherished, it’s one of my most prized possessions. For me, reading is the ultimate escape, a way to live in two worlds at once.

Now, I’m part of two book clubs: one with my college friends and another larger group called Houston Book +. If I could give one piece of advice to fellow readers, it’s this: find books that speak to you, not ones you think you should read. Your reading journey is yours alone—no one else needs to know what you’re reading or why.

These days, I lean towards audiobooks and my Kindle for convenience. Audiobooks, in particular, have become my favorite way to experience a story. There’s something magical about hearing the characters’ voices come to life, adding a whole new dimension to the narrative.

I started journaling at the beginning of 2020, which, ironically, was the year COVID hit and I began graduate school. Since then, journaling has become a big part of my life. It’s truly therapeutic—being able to write whatever I want, with no filters or judgment, and pour out my deepest thoughts. Most days, I reflect on my day and end with a list of things I’m grateful for.

I’ve been at it for four years now, and the impact has been incredible. Journaling has given me a deeper appreciation for life and a better sense of gratitude. I can look back at past entries and see where I was, and what I was thinking, and compare it to how I feel today. It’s like having a personal time capsule that helps me stay connected to my journey and growth.

Sewing is a relatively new hobby I’ve picked up. Over the years, I learned how to hem my pants and unsew my Punjabi clothes, but that was about the extent of it. This year, I wanted to find something creative that required using my hands and had a practical purpose. Plus, I was honestly getting tired of paying to have my clothes altered—being petite means most of my clothes need some adjustment.

So far, I’ve managed to make a pair of pajamas and a matching top. Are they perfect? Not even close. But are they my newest obsession? Absolutely! I’m ridiculously proud to wear the set, imperfections and all. The beauty of sewing is that it forces you to let go of perfectionism—you simply can’t be perfect when you’re sewing. And that’s part of what makes it so satisfying.

Gardening has been one of my longest-standing hobbies, and it’s something I find incredibly rewarding. There’s nothing quite like being outside, watching the plants I’ve nurtured bloom and eventually produce vegetables that we can enjoy at the table. I absolutely love heading out to the garden, picking fresh produce, and knowing that I grew it myself—it’s such a fulfilling experience.

Gardening holds a special place in my heart because it’s something my dad and I used to do together when I was younger. My love for all things green definitely comes from him, and every time I’m out in the garden, I’m reminded of those cherished memories. It adds a layer of meaning to every plant I grow.

Starting a garden is incredibly easy—you don’t need much beyond seeds, soil, and plenty of sunshine. Just water as needed, and you’re on your way. Some produce is easier to grow than others, but my advice is to plant what excites you. For example, my sister isn’t into vegetables, so she focuses on flowers. She loves buying different varieties after the season to plant and enjoy. Whether it’s veggies or blooms, choose what brings you joy.