Category: Lifestyle

  • My Summer Bucket List for the Rest of 2024 Summer

    My Summer Bucket List for the Rest of 2024 Summer

    It’s the middle of July, and summer is in full swing! While I have a few beloved annual activities, I mostly love soaking up the sunshine and spending as much time outside as possible. To make the most of the remaining sunny days, here’s my “low-key” summer bucket list before fall arrives. Summer is all…

  • Packing List- Floating in the River at San Marcos, Texas

    If you live in Texas or have heard of the lovely state of Texas, you know it gets hot down south. Summers can be brutal, but there’s no better way to cool off than floating the river at San Marcos. Every year, my best friends and I make it a tradition to go on a…

  • What I Read in June 2024

    What I Read in June 2024

    I had a great month of reading! I traveled quite a bit this month, so I wasn’t able to read as much, but I am happy about the books I read. I had the pleasure of diving into one of my favorite books of the year, experienced a letdown from one of my favorite authors,…

  • What Do I Always Pack for Trips?

    What Do I Always Pack for Trips?

    This month has been a whirlwind of mini vacations, and as I find myself unpacking and repacking my suitcase yet again, I realize there are a few essentials that always make the cut. These are the items that practically live in my luggage, ready to go whether I’m off on a domestic getaway or an…

  • Taking Care of Myself as a 27 Year Old

    Taking Care of Myself as a 27 Year Old

    When I was in grad school, I swear they would shove the importance of self-care down our throats. At the time, I did not understand why they would ask us to share in every class what we did to fill our cups or care for ourselves that day/week. Now, two years later, I get it….

  • Having a life outside of work- Because I refuse to get burnt out again

    Having a life outside of work- Because I refuse to get burnt out again

    It is so easy to get lost in the day-to-day work life especially if the work itself is demanding, tiring, and has immediate effects on your patients if you don’t do your job correctly. I learned the hard way that having something to look forward to other than working 5 days a week is so…