Category: Inspiration

  • Diary #1

    Diary #1

    I absolutely love reading Carly’s blog-, especially her diary posts that she shares every two weeks. They offer a raw, unfiltered look into her everyday life, which I find so refreshing compared to the polished, curated content we often see. Inspired by Carly’s authentic approach, I thought I’d give you a peek into my…

  • Hurricane Beryl Update

    Hurricane Beryl Update

    The hurricane hit us on Monday, but thankfully, we are safe and sound. We were well-prepared, with our generator running, perishable foods stocked, water stored in the bathtub for backup, and fans working on high. Having been through this before, we knew we would weather the storm again. We were not in the direct line…

  • Blogging Was a 2024 Goal

    Blogging Was a 2024 Goal

    I’ve fallen off the bandwagon a bit early this year. At the beginning of the year, I set some goals for myself—some I’ve accomplished, while others have slipped from my mind since January. This makes me question, if those goals were truly mine or if I set them because everyone else was adding them to…

  • Taking Care of Myself as a 27 Year Old

    Taking Care of Myself as a 27 Year Old

    When I was in grad school, I swear they would shove the importance of self-care down our throats. At the time, I did not understand why they would ask us to share in every class what we did to fill our cups or care for ourselves that day/week. Now, two years later, I get it….