Blogging Was a 2024 Goal

I’ve fallen off the bandwagon a bit early this year. At the beginning of the year, I set some goals for myself—some I’ve accomplished, while others have slipped from my mind since January. This makes me question, if those goals were truly mine or if I set them because everyone else was adding them to their lists. Either way, there’s one goal that I finally tackled last month.

In June, I started this blog. I published seven posts, which isn’t bad considering I began in the middle of the month with a goal of three posts per week. I’ve managed to stay consistent, posting every day or two. It’s funny—back in 2017-2018, I started a blog in college to pass the time and explore if it was something I wanted to pursue. Back then, I lacked the discipline and clarity about what I wanted to write. I wrote what I thought people wanted to read rather than providing genuine value or insight.

Don’t get me wrong, this is my personal blog, and much of what I write pertains to my life at the moment. But 2017 Gabby was confused and living it up in college. Now, I feel more at ease. I realize that I didn’t have the right intentions when I first experimented with blogging. Today, I set some boundaries in my writing: I never disclose any identifiable patient information, and I don’t write or post anything that I wouldn’t be comfortable with my family reading.

There is also excitement because I feel I’ve truly lived a life now. In some ways, I know I have so much to look forward to, but I’m not that young and innocent anymore. I’ve been through some rough times and some great times. I’ve lived away from my hometown for seven out of the past ten years. It feels like a new beginning, and I’m excited to document and share this journey.