5 Random Things To Know About Me

desi girl in navy sparkle lengha
  1. I am an introvert. I thrive in settings where I know the people but, put me in a room full of random people, and my social battery will be drained within the hour. Don’t get me wrong I love being out and about, getting invited to events and weddings but, a lot of it depends on the people present- because if I do not know you, let alone like you, chances are my battery is going to deplete quicker and be in my solitude again.
  2. I love Chai- what Indian person doesn’t? However, I prefer coffee. My day doesn’t start until I’ve had a cup of coffee and it doesn’t end until I’ve read a few pages of a good book.
  3. I speak Punjabi fluently. My parents didn’t allow us to speak English in the house, so we were “forced” to speak Punjabi. I am glad though because I am unsure how else we would learn it, other than speaking it without parents. I didn’t learn English until elementary school and for the next 7 years, I was in ESL classes. Today, I cherish the linguistic duality that defines my identity, seamlessly navigating between Punjabi and English with ease.
  4. I love to read- especially dark romance novels.
  5. I have always wanted to be in the medical field. I didn’t know that I would choose the field of social work until my freshman year of college at Texas Tech in a sociology class.